It's been a real privilege this past year to provide leadership for IA's global initiative to bring safe water to the billion + people who lack it. People who have no choice but to work hard every day to obtain the only water available to them with the knowledge that it brings disease, disability and death to their children. A child dies every 15 seconds due to unsafe water and over half of the world's hospital beds are occupied by people with water borne disease.
Remember that trip you took out of the country when you were told not to drink the water? Well, more than a billion people have no choice but to drink it every day ...and they pay a terrible price for doing so. For a contribution of about $50 a HydrAid BioSand Safe Water Filter can provide an entire family all the safe water they need for drinking, cooking, and bathing for a lifetime.
Join me - Get involved... HydrAid is great cause for Practices, Service Clubs, Teams, Churches, and families. Make a difference!
Share the safe water story with this award winning video Thank you!
May you and yours have a blessed Christmas and a prosperous 2009!
All The Best
(c) 2008