Let's be real... REALLY. Who needs another super star? Who needs yet another persona? Who needs more illusions. What happened to authenticity?
What we really need are more people who know themselves and who are comfortable and secure in being themselves. People who respect and admire each other not because of predictability found in their similarities but because of the mystery that lies in their differences. People who are willing to put their real-self out there and who are willing to let others deal with it.
"Far better to fail at being yourself than to succeed at imitating another" - Herman Melville
“Seek not to walk in the footsteps those who came before you but rather seek what they sought” -Covey
“Do not follow people. Follow truth.” - Anonymous
You be You! Let them be them! Celebrate the differences!
When it comes to performance its not about putting on a performance by appearing to be something you are not. Rather it is about being effective and efficient at being who you are, getting the best results you can, showing your concern for others; and setting others up for success.
Those are the performances that really matter.