Friday, June 26, 2009

Times - They Are A'Changin

I received an email today from an associate of mine - it went something like this:

"I'm in need of your expertise. I'm finding that my industry and its culture is changing - getting more business like. Where in the past, to move up in management, you needed to know your trade very well. Now they are bringing in managers with other outside experience to help manage operations. I always feel like I'm behind the 8 ball. I need to clear my head, and hopefully my future?

This was my response...

Whether its fitness, healthcare, auto manufacturing, or finance the tectonic plates of business and society have shifted with the economic earthquake of 2008. The aftershocks continue and the landscape is forever changed. In my opinion things have changed permanently and will continue to change at historically unprecedented power and speed.

I suspect two skill sets are necessary for success going forward.

The first are clearly considered and well anchored principles, values, and fundamentals (in life and business) that will not only endure over time, but actually appreciate in value. A skill set that transcends a particular industry and has currency in multiple sectors.

The second is an entrepreneurial perspective and skill set that looks at each day with fresh eyes – the ability to see what new opportunities are ripening and which ones are ready to pick – even what fruit is likely to be in season next and perhaps what genetic changes are likely to evolve.

The shelf-life of new business opportunities are becoming more like wild flowers than sequoias.

As a result career stability and longevity is likely to continue to erode. Change is a permanent feature that needs to be not only accommodated but even embraced.

If I was to go hunting, fishing or prospecting I would increase my odds for success by frequenting geographical areas where edges meet and intersect – those are places where a greater range of options exist and where opportunity is created and found. They also tend to be aggregation points and traffic corridors where one is more likely to "stumble" on what one is searching/hoping for.

The same applies to business and careers. The greatest opportunities are found at the interfaces of business sectors, domains, technologies, professions, disciplines and expertise. Think about likely and unlikely juxtapositions.

This means developing multiple skill sets and competencies. It means always having three balls in the air – an opportunity that is winding down (late-harvest – pick what’s left but minimize time and expense), an opportunity that has peaked (early-harvest – get to work and invest time and resources to fill the silo), and an opportunity that is in early development that has promise to produce in the future (planting time – explore and experiment quickly and inexpensively).

The fuel for such a career is curiosity, imagination, learning, experimenting, networking, prudent risk-taking, and patience. An element of control also comes into consideration - the ability to make decisions that align with aspirations and the commitment of resources over time.

I’ve had quite a few professionals approaching me over the past year with similar questions, concerns, and requests for support. As a result, I have begun to provide mentoring support (coaching if you will) for select clients using a modest retainer arrangement. The focus is on identifying options, developing strategy, implementing plans, exploiting opportunities, and optimizing performance in business and life.

If any of this is of interest, I would be happy to talk with you.

In the meantime keep your paddle in the water and maintain your forward momentum and go with the flow. As with kayaking, one cannot steer without doing so.


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Performance Builders