Saturday, November 27, 2010

Leadership - Push or Pull

Everyone resists change. Why because it comes with a cost. There is risk, uncertainty, vulnerability; and energy is required. Energy is never free. 

For most people change comes down to the question, "What's in it for me?" Change is personal. 

Change must overcome inertia to be realized. Inertia is resistance in all of its many forms...

There are those who simply ignore change by doing what they have always done even in the face of certain harm. Others will dismiss change with a simple "yes, BUT" response - "Yes, but not here", "Yes, but not for me", "Yes, but not now", "Yes, but...". Some will deny the need for change siting special circumstances or an alternative truth. There are those who will actively resist change to protect their perceived benefit from the status quo. Others will give lip service but not engage. Some will publicly support change then actively undermine it with passive aggression. 

Then there are those who will will support change; advocate for change, and a small handful that will lead change. They are always relatively small in number but nothing changes without them. They are all leaders at various points on the spectrum of leadership. They are all essential.

Effective leaders recognize the many faces of resistance to change. They define a consistent reality from multiple perspectives. They introduce alternative belief systems that others can adopt as their own. They secure credibility by leading from values. 

Leaders are craftsman. They work with passion, persistence, and precision. They sculpture lives by shaping awareness, perception, attitudes, understandings, and behaviors. They shine light on truth and reality and possibility. They give voice to opportunity. They push potential and they pull with dreams.

All the Best!


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Performance Builders