Sunday, April 10, 2011

Leadership - Getting Personal

Leadership is about change. If change isn't the priority, a good manager will do.

Change involves both individuals and a collective community. 

Individual change always precedes community change. 

Individuals change when provoked at an emotional level. But most change initiatives are premised on rational information - facts and figures, the bigger the better typically. Most such initiatives fail to deliver change.

Change is driven by emotion not rationality. In fact, we might say that change is driven by irrationality. Science and history has demonstrated that repeatedly. 

People are first and foremost emotional creatures. They need to be emotionally changed to support change.

Change occurs one person at a time. Each person wants to know just one thing - how will the change affect ME. It's not selfish, its just human nature.  

Whether we are changing policies for a handful of people or changing lives on a global scale, there is one important understanding to never loose sight off...

To be and effective leader, Get PERSONAL...with yourself and others! 

All the Best!


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Performance Builders