Thursday, July 30, 2009

Why They Come...

Regardless of what your professional health related profession might be, it is likely that there are just four reasons why your patients/clients come to you.

1. It hurts when I...
2. I can't do...
3. I'm afraid that...
4. I want to be able to...

Sure, there are of course signs and symptoms, a diagnosis, contraindications, precautions, complications, and compensations. But, when it comes to a decision to seek professional help concerning matters of health, the client's greatest interest is in quality of life and doing the things they enjoy or aspire to do - some for the first time, some for the last time, and some for the meantime.

They find pain and limited capacity getting in the way of living life. They find there are things they use to be able to do that no longer come easily or perhaps not at all.

They express fear in losing ability, independence, freedom. They express fear of impairment, disability, and death.

They express hope of achieving new opportunities.

Life is in the doing. Life is in all of the "ings" ...walking, running, jumping, eating, playing, hugging; the list goes on... Ultimately, that is why they come.

Life is all about function. Its about hope, and purpose and movement and achievement. It's about holding on to what one has, increasing the opportunity for more, and sharing those things with others they care about.

That's why they come. They come to be recognized. They come to be understood. They come for a measure of wholeness. They come for living life.

That's why they come.


(c) copyright 2009
Performance Builders