Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Play It Forward Idea #4

Idea #4. Be generous with your authentic praise and recognition of your clients achievement throughout your time with them. That should be easy if you are continually and intentionally positioning them for success in mind, body, and spirit.

Upon completion of their treatment / training, ask if they would be willing to share their story of achievement with others – i.e. with your new clients who may not know what to expect and who may need encouragement, and with your referral sources whose knowing would benefit their other patients. Give them the choice of sharing their experience anonymously or by name.

To enable them tell their story, provide them a page of your practice stationary with the title “My Experience…” at the top. Invite them to write what they would like about their experience and what it has meant to them. They can complete it at your office or return it to you in the self addressed stamped envelope you provide them.

Two alternatives would be to provide them a special phone line that allows them to tell their story to voice mail from which you can transcribe it, or email them a reminder and allow them to email their story back to you.

Be sure to obtain their written permission to use their story.

If they are willing, you might also take a digital photo that can accompany their story (also with their written permission). Invite them to pose with you and perhaps another of your staff who they have come to specially appreciate - perhaps you can even show-off their achievement in the photo. Remember that the photo is an act of recognition and celebration, so take a couple of minutes to enjoy it together!

Post the photo(s) in a prominent location (the wall of fame) in your office for a few weeks for others to see; then move it to an upscale album or two that is placed in your reception area for viewing by those who visit your practice. Include the both their picture and their story in the album.

Make it an inviting album that people will want to pick up and browse. Be sure to include "celebrity clients", and pictures of your clinical team, and special community events or groups you have sponsored. Your album becomes your "Brag Book"... a silent marketing partner that is always in your reception area.


(c) copyright 2008
Performance Builders

Perhaps portions of your album could also be incorporated into your website...