Sunday, April 20, 2008

Performance Matters - Idea #13

Recognize that about 5 % of any team are positive leaders who are fully committed to the organization’s performance and success – they are passionate about it. They lead by example.

Another 15% are negative leaders who undermine the organization’s performance and success. These are equally passionate people who very often operate in a passive aggressive mode. They lead by words usually spoken in private.

Both groups are opinion leaders! Both groups contribute to defining the culture, attitudes, and behaviors of the team. Both represent the team / organization to the community.

The remaining 80% of a team / organization are followers who can be effectively influenced by either the positive or negative leaders.

Management’s job is to effectively keep negative leaders in check or better eliminating them from the team quickly and decisively. Who you keep on your team says much about how you and your team will be perceived. Your team culture is worth protecting. There are no excuses for keeping negative leaders on your team. You are always better without them and so is the rest of your team!


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Performance Builders