Monday, November 23, 2009

Game Changers

I've had the privilege to present to over 200 therapists and trainers over the past 2 months from Boston and Adrian, to Chicago and San Diego.

The presentation, titled Game Changers, rang true for participnts and stimulated many productive conversations within Practices across the country.

It included insights into 4 intersecting national trends that represent both threats and opportunities, a look into my crystal ball as to what's ahead, a summary of business issues that leading clinics and studios are focusing on with me this season, an introduction to three dimensional marketing, and a business management matrix to bring discipline and performance to any practice.

One thing is certain, in the months ahead Practices will be run like businesses or will FAIL! There is neither time nor resources to waste.

Feedback from participants has been consistently very positive. I'll share an overview of that presentation via this blog in a series of posting over the next couple of weeks.

I hope you will find value in the series and invite you to contact me if you would like the Performance Builders Insider's Strategies for Success in 2010 and beyond.

In my next post I'll discuss the first of the four trends that are upon us and in which fatal threats and unprecedented opportunity exist side by side.

The game is changing... Are you ready for it? There will be both failures and achievement. Which will it be for your Practice, for your team, for you?


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Performance Builders