Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Leadership - Drive-by

Leadership is about vision, nurturing, growth, and sweating the details to get things right. Its about the big picture, the big rocks, persistence, how things fit together, and what doesn't belong.

This morning's email finds more drive-by solutions promoted by everyone from the wannabe marketing guru to a Top 5 consulting firm... "Five quick tips to ____", "Three easy steps to _____", "Ten reasons to ____". 

....Drive-by leadership is bait (can you smell it?) that is sent via email to a massive distribution list that includes all of your competitors. Well if the idea was worth something initially, its not worth anything now. There's a reason why those great ideas are free! But that's not saying they don't cost one something by way of lost time, wasted effort, disruption of work, and evidence that management really doesn't have a clue...

Leaders don't want quick and easy because they understand there is no competitive advantage or enduring value created by the quick and easy. The response to drive-by solutions is for smart leaders to simply drive-by.

Too often the same drive-by attitude demonstrated by leadership takes root in the team that's delivering services to patients and clients. ...Ops now there's a problem. 

And, the drive-by leader looks again for the next easy answer that finds its way to the inbox...

All the Best!


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Performance Builders