Friday, February 25, 2011

Leadership - Recognition

"I had the privilege the past couple of days to participate in a US Navy briefing in San Diego in connection to a global safe water initiative I'm involved in. We explored seemingly unnatural collaboration opportunities involving: national defense and international humanitarian aid, government and non-government organizations (NGOs), and for-profit and nonprofit companies. It was visionary, invigorating, and happening.

Amidst all of that high lev
el discussion, there was a pause each day for two brief ceremonies... 

The first was the playing of the national anthem each morning complete with military brass ensemble. Military and civilian participants stood together in a few moments of reflection to remember our heritage, our privilege, our responsibility, our opportunity, and our gift of freedom. It was incredibly poignant as the news of Libya's revolution continued to stream across my cell phone.

The second was the Admiral's formal recognition each day of an individual that had contributed to the success of the Navy's humanitarian mission by simply performing his / her assigned and assumed role / duties dependably with integrity and excellence. We stood together in recognition and respect of the person's contribution and applauded the presentation of a simple service ribbon. 

I was struck by two things.

First, the value of being continually reminded together of our shared purpose and priorities; but how seldom we do that in businesses and practices.

Second, how seldom we pause together in a meaningful way to simply recognize, respect, and celebrate the reliable contributions of individual team members who do what needs doing.

What opportunities we miss to build loyalty, character, and teamwork!

What an opportunity we miss to model effective leadership by our example!

Who in your life deserves recognition? Who in your life needs recognition? 

As a leader, who will you recognize this week?

All the Best!


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Performance Builders