Thursday, February 3, 2011

Leadership - Fit 2

Adrea, thank you for your comments. You bring up an important leadership point that originated with Jim Collins (Good to Great). 

His metaphor of "getting the right people on the bus" is often used within organizations in a context that the company has established a vision and destination and now it time to see who's committed (on the bus) and who is not (off the bus). 

But that's not how the metaphor was intended. 

The actual intent was that companies recruit and retain people (the "who" not the "what") that are  talented and embracing of change; realizing that given rapidly developing markets, economies, and technologies, companies can never really know their destination. 

The best any company has is aspirations and a direction that may require ongoing course corrections by an energized team. 

Today, companies are dealing with a journey through constant change, not a destination despite change. With capable and accommodating people, roles, priorities, products, and processes can change with the times. 

Going back to the young women who needs to change "Her" environment'...

She needs to engage an organization that is building a team with a growth mindset rather than a fixed mindset. Getting on the right bus with the right people is much more gratifying (and usually rewarding) than throwing people off the bus. Its also worth noting that with fixed mindset companies, its too often the change-agent that ends up under the bus.  

All the Best! 


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