Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Performance Matters - Idea #1

Begin by establishing Ground Rules pertaining to staff behavior. About 5 such rules is generally about right. A few more or less is fine. The intent is not to create an exhaustive list but rather over arching behaviors that can be used to address any situation that a team member might come up against. Ground Rules are the litmus test for appropriateness and excellence in relationships.

Ground Rules should summarize key values that will be practiced in personal relationships internal and external to the Practice. They should address how people will be treated. Ground Rules are always non-negotiable! They represent minimal acceptable conduct. All team members are required to pledge their support to the Ground Rules should be posted and discussed regularly. They should be a part of new team member orientation and should be routinely addressed in performance review.

Consider values such as mutual respect, honesty, integrity, transparency and completeness in communications, confidentiality, commitment to learning & teaching, etc.

Shared values should be discuss frequently, practiced daily, and celebrated.

Failure to establish Ground Rules is essentially permission from management that anything goes. What results is chaos and the Practice's inability to reach its full promise and potential.

Begin with meaningful Ground Rules!


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Performance Builders